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Reports until 01:43, Sunday 06 September 2015
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:43, Sunday 06 September 2015 - last comment - 20:05, Monday 07 September 2015(21250)
some updated on analysis codes for suspension calibration

I worked a bit more on the analysis codes that Jeff has written (alog 21015 and alog 21049). I was not able to finish deriving the suspension scale factors. Tomorrow, Jeff and Darkhan will pick up them at the point where I left and will continue working on it.

Major updates:

Next steps:


Some notes:

In the course of the code update, I changed the file organization structure of the ALS diff and Pcal scripts so that they have only one analysis code which can be invoked by specifying a set of data parameters. This organization approach is the same as those for the DARM open loop analysis.

As for ALS diff, the core analysis code is


and the parameter files are in the same directory and named as




As for Pcal, the core analysis code is


and the parameter files are in the same directory and named as




Each parameter file loads H1DARMOLGTFmodel_ER8 with the latest electronics information and subsequently returns the parameter structure, or the familiar variable "par". As usual the parameter structure can be then fed to the analysis code (e.g. analyze_alsdiff.m or analyze_pcal.m) as an input argument. I have not carefully thought about the final return variables from the core analysis codes, but in principle we can write them such that they return the calibrated suspension transfer functions in meters/counts together with some error bars and also perhaps some statistical values. In this way, the final step of performing apple-to-apple comparison between various measurements from various dates can be less painful.

I tried propagating the same file organization structure to the free-swinging Michelson codes, but apparently I am running out my energy for the night and did not finish it yet.

Comments related to this report
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 17:35, Monday 07 September 2015 (21274)

Today, I worked on the analysis code for the free-swinging Michelson which was something I was not able to finish the other day. They are now organized and analyzed in the same fashion as the rest analysis codes (i.e. DARMOLGTFs, ALS diff and Pcal).

The core analysis code can be found at:


In the same way as the ALS diff and Pcal analysis codes, the analysis code can be fed with a parameter sturcture or "par". The parameter structure can be loaded by running a paramter script which is separated by the measurement date:




darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 20:05, Monday 07 September 2015 (21279)CAL

H1 SUS ETMY PUM driver analysis has been alogged in LHO alog 21232.

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