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Reports until 13:12, Wednesday 01 February 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:12, Wednesday 01 February 2012 (2128)
H2 ETMy status
This morning we started adjusting out the ETMy reaction chain 1mm high and 2-3mm side-shift.  We removed 2mm from the right Tops Stage blade tip.  This indeed did lower the chain, and reduced the side shift some.  There is still ~1-2mm of side shift.  During these adjustments we also noted a differential roll between the UIM and Top Mass, which Jeff warned us about.  We snooped around at blade tip heights, mass asymetry, and wire lengths.  Hoping that it was possibly a wire length, we decided to swap the left and right wire segments between these stages.  This did not change the side-shift or roll, indicating that the wire lengths are built properly.  We next will visit the blade tip heights (ugh).
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.