Reports until 08:00, Tuesday 08 September 2015
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:00, Tuesday 08 September 2015 (21288)
OPS Owl shift summary

Once the series of EQs ceased (2+ hour ringdown), I began the locking procedure.  Alignment looked good so I decided to forego initial alignment and move straight to locking.  A bit of tweaking of the BS in PRMI was all that was required to get the IFO locked, after a few false starts with locklosses at various places on the way up.

10:35 lockloss @ DC_READOUT, ITMx, SR2, ITMy, MC2, and SRM saturated

10:51 lockloss @ INCREASE_POWER, ITMx saturated

11:06 lockloss @ SWITCH_TO_QPDS, PRM saturated

11:13 lockloss @ SWITCH_TO_QPDS, PRM saturated

11:21 lockloss @ DRMI_ON_POP, all TMs and PRM saturated

11:36 locked NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE 70+ MPC

12:27 OMC DCPD and ETMy saturation cause large momentary glitch/drop in range

11:43 set to Observing mode after engaging OMC whitening

13:45 Bubba starts collecting grouting equipment

14:06 ETMy saturation causes large momentary glitch/drop in range