Reports until 11:53, Tuesday 08 September 2015
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:53, Tuesday 08 September 2015 (21293)
h1fw0, h1fw1 replaced with new computers.
ECR 1500312, WP 5455

The h1fw0 and h1fw1 computers have been replaced with new computers, which were formerly tested as h1fw3 and h1fw2.  The old h1fw0 and h1fw1 computers have been renamed h1tw0 and h1tw1, and have been reconfigured to write raw minute files to the locally attached SSD RAID.

Both h1fw0 and h1fw1 are now writing science, commissioning, minute trend, and second trend files to SATABoy disk arrays through the ldas gateway computers.

The myricom drivers still need to be updated and configured on h1tw0, h1tw1, h1nds0, h1nds1, and h1broadcast0.