Reports until 12:19, Tuesday 08 September 2015
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:19, Tuesday 08 September 2015 (21297)
ODC housekeeping
Updated the following ODC settings:
ASC: DHARD input range check limit from 1500cts to 2500 to avoid occasional crossing.
ASC: INP1  input range check limit from 1.5cts to 5 to avoid occasional crossing.
OMC: include bit 17 & 18 in subsystem mask (this is effectively an OMC DCPD saturation monitor).
OMC: DARM CTRL input range check limit from 120000cts to 150000 to avoid occasional crossing.
LSC, OMC, ASC: exclude ADC saturation bit from ODCmaster ADC saturation monitor:
     for ASC the CDS saturation monitor is stuck on for unknown reasons
     for LSC and OMC, the parked ALS inputs saturate the ADC constantly. 
TCS: exclude DAC saturation bit from ODCmaster DAC saturation monitor
     for TCS, the DAC saturation monitor is reporting on constantly for two channels - not sure why.

All setting changes have been accepted in SDF.

Left to do: there are some SUS filter status checks that changed their nominal state since I last updated them in August. I can only update them once the IFO is locked.