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Reports until 16:36, Wednesday 01 February 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:36, Wednesday 01 February 2012 (2132)
cdsfs0 issues, DAQ frame writer swaps

Wednesday night at 8pm local time approx, cdsfs0 went into "read only" mode whereby the NFS fie system looked available, but had detected an error and switch to its safe state. Vincent rebooted the machine via phone support from Dave.

Today we power cycled cdsfs0 at 3pm to activate its IPMI management port. Now it will be possible for CDS sysadmin to remotely power this machine.

As part of the h2fw0 crashing every 3 hours problem, I switch which QFS file system the H2 frame writers write to

  h2fw0 h2fw1
before ldas-h2-frames cds-h2-frames
now cds-h2-frames ldas-h2-frames
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