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Reports until 23:06, Tuesday 08 September 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:06, Tuesday 08 September 2015 (21325)
H1 SUS ETMY UIM Driver + BOSEM Chain Measured in Analog; Initial Signs Point toward Confirmation of missing ~100 [Hz] Zero
J. Kissel

I haven't analyzed the data yet, but in order to put a nail on the coffin of the UIM actuation model-to-measurement descrepancy, and to nail down the output impedance network, I've measured the transfer function of the H1 SUS ETMY's UIM driver today in analog with an SR785. Driving at the DAC input of the coil driver, and measuring the response across the output pins of the driver on a break out -- noteably including the the real BOSEM, not just using a 40 [ohm] resistor as a dummy OSEM. This was done in each state of the driver for all four channels. 

From what I saw on the screen while the measurements were on going, there is indeed a zero in the transfer function at around 100 [Hz]. Have a little bit of low-frequency-measurement-time to think about it, I think this is the non-neglible inductance of the giant BOSEM coil (Rc = 42.7 [Ohm], Lc = 11.9 [mH]). Will confirm and give more details one the analysis is complete.

This is not a priority, so I'll analyze the data in due time, but the data lives here:
with a diary of which measurements are which here:
(and attached for your convenience)

The config file for the usual GPIB function is here:
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