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Reports until 00:02, Wednesday 09 September 2015
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:02, Wednesday 09 September 2015 (21329)
Evening Ops Shift Summary
Evening Shift Summary
LVEA: Laser Hazard
IFO: UnLocked
Intent Bit: Commissioning  

All Times in UTC (PT)

23:00 (16:00) Take over from TJ
23:00 (16:00) Continue locking the IFO after maintenance window
02:01 (19:01) IFO locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 22.9W, 65Mpc
02:06 (19:06) Set Observatory Mode to commissioning
02:56 (19:56) Add 125ml water to crystal chiller
05:31 (22:31) Switch to Calibration mode for Kiwamu
06:43 (23:43) Switch to Observation mode 
07:00 (00:00) Turn over to Travis

 Shift Summary & Observations:

- Commissioners/Ops working on relocking IFO until about 02:00.
- Set to commissioning mode – Commissioners working while LLO is down
- Set to Observation mode 06:43 – Wind low, range @ 67Mpc
- First half of the shift was spent recovering from maintenance and some commissioning work. After locking, commissioners continued to work on IFO. We have been locked since 02:00. Some glitches mostly due to commissioning/calibration work. 
- After clearing SDF, switched to Observing mode at 06:43 (23:43). 
   NOTE: The LVEA was not swept before going into Observing mode. The decision was not to risk knocking the IOF out of lock by walking around in the LVEA. The lights are on. Do not know what other noise sources are present at this time.        
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.