Reports until 08:05, Wednesday 09 September 2015
H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:05, Wednesday 09 September 2015 (21332)
OPS Owl shift summary

8:34 Noticing that LLO was down, and determining that the OMC whitening hadn't been engaged, I turned on the whitening.  This took the IFO out of Observing mode for 2 minutes, but gained us a few MPCs.

9:18 Big glitch, ETMy saturation

10:42 lockloss, ITMx saturation.  I reloaded ISC_DRMI guardian per Sheila's instructions.

11:25 lockloss @ CARM_ON_TR, PRM saturation.  I also fixed a typo in the ISC_DRMI guardian that started throwing errors.

11:36 lockloss @ PREP_TR_CARM. PRM, SRM, ETMx, BS, SR2, and MC2 saturation.

11:49 began initial alignment after seeing things looked a little wonky.

12:05 started locking

12:45-12:52 SUS OMC SW watch dog tripped 8 times

13:47 lockloss REDUCE_CARM_OFFSET

14:02 lockloss @ PREP_TR_CARM. PRM, SRM, ETMx, BS, SR2, and MC2 saturation.

14:10 lockloss REDUCE_CARM_OFFSET

14:16 lockloss REDUCE_CARM_OFFSET

14:26 lockloss @ PREP_TR_CARM. PRM, SRM, ETMx, BS, SR2, and MC2 saturation.

14:34 lockloss @ DRMI_LOCKED, PRM, SRM saturation.

14:56 lockloss @ REDUCE_CARM_OFFSET.

Pretty tough relocking this morning for no obvious reason; wind and seismic are all calm.  The couple times I tried locking PRMI, it would always lock on split modes which required touching up both BS and PRM.  Afterwards, it would lock DRMI OK, but the next time it required touch up again.  Only once was I able to make the PRMI->DRMI transition trick work.