Reports until 09:07, Wednesday 09 September 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:07, Wednesday 09 September 2015 (21335)
CDS model and DAQ restart report, Tuesday 8th September 2015

ER8 Day 23. Maintenance day. No unexpected restarts. DAQ completion of frame and trend writers. OMC and CAL changes to add duotone channel to science frame.

model restarts logged for Tue 08/Sep/2015
2015_09_08 09:21 h1tw0
2015_09_08 09:57 h1tw1

2015_09_08 12:12 h1omc
2015_09_08 12:15 h1calex
2015_09_08 12:17 h1caley

2015_09_08 13:10 h1broadcast0
2015_09_08 13:10 h1dc0
2015_09_08 13:10 h1nds0
2015_09_08 13:11 h1broadcast0
2015_09_08 13:11 h1nds0
2015_09_08 13:12 h1nds1
2015_09_08 13:12 h1tw0
2015_09_08 13:12 h1tw1
2015_09_08 13:18 h1dc0
2015_09_08 13:25 h1dc0
2015_09_08 13:26 h1nds0
2015_09_08 13:26 h1nds1
2015_09_08 13:28 h1broadcast0
2015_09_08 13:28 h1tw0
2015_09_08 13:28 h1tw1
2015_09_08 13:58 h1nds1