Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 09:18, Wednesday 09 September 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:18, Wednesday 09 September 2015 (21336)
CDS maintenance Summary

late entry for yesterday's CDS maintenance

DAQ frame writer install

Dave, Jim:

The second fast frame writer was connected to the LDAS Sataboy-raid system. All frame writers were then renamed, details in Jim's alog

Adding Duotone Channels to the Science Frame

Keita, Dave:

The h1omc, h1calex and h1caley models were modified to all DUOTONE timing signals from all three buildings to the science frame at 16kHz. These signals are being readout by a filtermodule, to capture the raw signal before any filtering/gain/offset could be applied, we are using the IN1 channel.




Loading all the filters

Sheila, Dave:

SUS PRM and SRM had partially loaded filters, we performed a full load of these systems.

Restarted External Alerting System


I restarted the external alert system which had stopped between 6pm and 7pm PDT Monday. I'm looking into a mechanism to restart this system.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.