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Reports until 12:39, Wednesday 09 September 2015
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:39, Wednesday 09 September 2015 (21346)

Similar to what I did yesterday for HEPI re 21309 I made OBSERVE.snap files for all the ISIs.

However, I came upon an issue for the BSC ISIs where toggling the MONITOR SELECT choice button to ALL left the SDF with differences.

These come from the following: When an ISI or HEPI Isolates, it observes and averages the free hanging position for 5 seconds and puts this mean into the SETPOINT_NOW.  This makes the residual error of the loop zero when it is turned on.  After the loop is completely on, the Guardian puts the Reference Location (e.g.: H1:ISI-BS_ST1_CPS_X_TARGET) into the SETPOINT_NOW record causing the Isolation loop to servo to that same position from platform trip to platform trip.  That is for some but not all platforms/dofs.  All HEPIs and all HAM ISIs are resorting the TARGET.  No BSC ISI is restoring the Target location.

So even though I just took a new OBSERVE.snap, many of the BSCs showed diffs out at e-10 to -15 in the SDF.  I'm not sure why that was variable but it brought the realization forward that each time a BSC ISI tripped, the new SETPOINT_NOW would be different (as it would for all the HEPIs and HAM ISI,) and would not be replaced by the TARGET Location at the end of Isolation (as it would be for the HEPIs and HAM ISIs.)

So for the BSC ISIs, after getting the OBSERVE.snap loaded into SDF as done for the HEPIs and HAM ISIs, the NOT MONITORED channels were all set to monitor and then the SETPOINT_NOW channels were set back to NOT MONITORED.  Given this, the BSC ISIs will not be pink and the MONITOR SELECT button will be set to MASK, rather than ALL like the HEPIs and HAM ISIs.  It may be that I will do the same for all the HEPIs and HAM ISIs if that is best for consistency, TBD.

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