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Reports until 15:25, Wednesday 09 September 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:25, Wednesday 09 September 2015 (21348)
SDF switched to watch OBSERVE settings instead of SAFE settings

Hugh and I have switched the SDFs of many of the SEI, SUS, the LSC, and ASC to compare current settings (OBSERVE.snap) to the NOMINAL LOW NOISE LOCK from around 2:30pm (local) today.  It then broke lock so we have to wait for the next lock stretches to finish - likely to be done tomorrow, so bear with us while we get this up and running.  Background:  we are redirecting to use SDF as the main settings configuration control monitor for O1, so we are now working quickly to do some smallish reconfiguring.  This involves setting the SDF such that it will monitor ~all settings of the IFO and will be all-GREEN when the IFO is in NOMINAL LOW NOISE.  This means it wiill have lots of reds after lockloss and during lock acquisition.  (We will work to reincorporate it's feature to be a troubleshooting tool soon.) 

For the next day or so, while in-flux, it may mean that there are some red SDF alarms that will not let you hit the INTENT button.  If this is the case, please feel free to call me and we'll work through the short diff list, or simply set any DIFFs to NOT MON and I will adjust them as needed tomorrow.


In the long run, the idea is that the SDF will monitor all settings, including guardian manipulated ones, except the few things which change between lock stretches (such as VIOLIN mode damping, HPI Setpoints, ISS REF CAV adjustments, and OPTICALIGN slider values).

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