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Reports until 20:21, Wednesday 01 February 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:21, Wednesday 01 February 2012 (2135)
BSC8 close-out preparations
This afternoon, with the ISI still unlocked from last night, Travis, Cheryl and I:

- Took pix of the chamber cabling/table layout/etc.
- Set FMy EQ stops to ~0.75mm gap settings and locked down all nuts
- Clamped the ITMy and ERM Masses
- Removed the ERM-AR FirstContact
- - Observed lots of particulate, even after continuous filtered N2 flow
- - Took pictures of this particulate for posterity
- - In light of the particulate, decided to stop and discuss moving the dome placement next in the close-out procedure before pulling ITMy-HR FC
- Closed the ring heater
- Placed a few witness plates in the tube sections adjacent to the chamber
- Unlocked the masses - the QUAD was left in full suspension

Garcia is running some diagnostics on the lower OSEM controls on the QUAD tonight.
We await his results, but anticipate pulling the walking platforms and placing the dome on the chamber tomorrow morning.  We would like to resume our in-chamber QUAD/ACB final preps once the dome work has started.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.