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Reports until 16:23, Thursday 10 September 2015
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:23, Thursday 10 September 2015 (21380)
HEPI Pump Station ALarm Handler Adjusted--Better!

Duhhh.  To get rid of the nuisance alarms from bothering the operators, of which the HEPI Pump Station EX contributes,  I just needed to filter the alarm.  ALH has the ability.  So now the Pump Pressure has to be in continual alarm for 5 seconds before it will alarm.  With the glitchy nature of the EndX pressures this is not likely unless a real problem is occurring.  The filtering occurs for all the controllers.  The MINOR alarm is set to +-2psi and the MAJOR alarm is +-5psi.  Also, this allows the controller to be restarted with the default epics values and the alarm levels do not need to be reset for the handler.

The file is under svn control and is committed.

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