Reports until 21:02, Thursday 10 September 2015
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:02, Thursday 10 September 2015 (21389)
PRCL gain not being changed properly by guardian - race condition now fixed

As part of my clearing of SDF earlier (alog 21387), I found that the LSC-PRCL_GAIN did not match the value in the observe.snap file. 

The gain is set to 8 during the DRMI acquisition, but then is supposed to be changed to 6 during CARM_15PM in the CARM offset reduction sequence in the ISC_GUARDIAN.  This change is supposed to happen during the run part of the state, after some timers have completed, and after some other things have finished.  However, the conditional for exiting the state didn't include a "if self.counter == 1" statement, so depending on which of 2 timers finished first, we either would or would not change the PRCL gain.  Thumbs down to that.

As can be see in the plot from Evan below, over the last week some of our long locks have had a PRCL gain of 6, and others have had a gain of 8.  Not good.

I fixed the conditional, so now it will always change the PRCL gain appropriately before exiting the CARM_15pm state.  We reloaded the guardian at 03:24 UTC. 

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