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Reports until 00:05, Friday 11 September 2015
darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:05, Friday 11 September 2015 (21391)
Updated EPICS values for DARM time-varying parameters (canonical param. set for O1)

EPICS values used for calculation of DARM time-varying parameters (DCC T1500377) in GDS pipeline and with PCALMON data were updated on 10-Sep-2015,   23:38:17 PDT (11-Sep-2015,   06:38:17 UTC) using H1 DARM model with canonical parameter set for ER8/O1 (LHO alog 21386).

There is an additional phase of 136.7 degrees that was fudged into H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_REF_INVA_CLGRATIO_TST_(REAL|IMAG). This value is used for calculation of kappa_{tst} (the phase fudge factor was introduced one day ago, see LHO alog 21358). We are investigating the source of this discrepancy.

New values were accepted in SDF_OVERVIEW.

Output files (raw epics values, more verbose log and a matlab file with EP# variables that correspond to table 2 in T1500377 convention) were committed to the calibration SVN directory: (detailed log is also attached to this alog):


The EPICS values correspond to the model file and the parameter file in calibration SVN at rev. 1381:



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