Reports until 15:33, Thursday 02 February 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:33, Thursday 02 February 2012 - last comment - 12:59, Thursday 09 February 2012(2140)
H2 BSC8 FINAL chamber close-out
THis morning:

- The Apollo crew removed the walking plates at the dome flange.
- Travis and I entered the chamber to resume EQ stop setting
- Apollo craned the dome into place over the stack upstairs
- Covered the QUAD with it's C3 cover when the Apollo crew removed all of the C3 covers above us (the dome flange was now hovering ~2ft above the flange)
- Once the dome was mated to the flange and the "dust had settle for ~15 mins" we uncovered the QUAD and resumed prep work.
- Performed peel of FirstContact of ITMy-HR, N2 filter blow, swab wipe dab-removal of some particulate (see a subsequent alog for details of this)
- Removed most hardware and 2-step stool from chamber
- Betsy left chamber, Thomas and Lisa entered
- Travis, Thomas, Lisa swung ACB back into nominal position and removed stiffeneing hardware
- - Broke a witness plate in the process so a quick cleanup and replacement of new witness plate in the same location
- Took particle count samples from center of chamber
- People swap again, Betsy in, Lisa/Thomas out
- Removed balance of tools/hardware
- Betsy/Travis removed internal Fiber Guards
- Wiped floor from North-to-door, checking for tools/hardware - none found
- Exited chamber
- Leaned in and placed last 3 witness plates in center of chamber

Door replacement preps are underway.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 12:59, Thursday 09 February 2012 (2192)
First Contact history for ITMy while at LHO:

   Oct 10, 2012 - TCP-AR Painted - Horizontal application in lab

     Oct 11, 2012 - TCP-HR Peeled - for chain mating
     Oct 11, 2012 - ITMy-AR Peeled - for chain mating

Broken fiber

     Nov 8, 2012 - ITMy AR - Painted - after dab cleaning with Calum, including band-aiding 4 bump stop areas.
     Nov ~8, 2012 - TCP-HR Painted

     Nov 17, 2012 - TCP-HR Peeled - for chain mating

     Nov 17, 2012 - ITMy-AR Peeled - for chain mating, smudge remnants
     Nov 18, 2012 - ITMy-AR Painted
     Nov 18, 2012 - ITMy-AR Peeled - chains mated

Cartridge cleanup prior to flight
Dec 8, 2012 - ITMy-HR Peeled
Dec 8, 2012 - ITMy-HR Painted

   Dec 8, 2012 - TCP-AR Peeled
   Dec 8, 2012 - TCP-AR Painted

Dec 13, 2012 - ITMy-HR peeled partially for IAS - particulate observed:

In-chamber cleanup prior to door shut
   Jan 31, 2012 - TCP-AR peeled - FC marks left behind near center
   Jan 31, 2012 - TCP-AR painted
   Feb 1, 2012 - TCP-AR peeled

Feb 1, 2012 - ITMy-HR Painted
Feb 2, 2012 - ITMy-HR Peeled - particulate observed:

BSC8 chamber closed.