Reports until 14:29, Friday 11 September 2015
H1 General (CAL, DetChar, INJ)
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:29, Friday 11 September 2015 (21403)
Calibration line alarms - operationally

Here's a summary for Operations regarding notification of critical calibration line failures during O1:


- PCAL LINES @ 3001.3 PCALX, 36.7Hz and 331.9Hz PCALY - If these "die" (such as the laser or photodiode fails), the INTENT BIT WILL BE DROPPED because they are going to be in the DIAG_CRIT guardian (TJ working on it).  If someone changes the frequency or other medm setting related to the lines, SDF will flag red and the INTENT BIT WILL BE DROPPED.

CALL PCAL IMMEDIATELY if this happens.


- DARM CAL LINE @ 37.3Hz- The only failure mode of this line will be if someone changes a setting in medm - if so, the INTENT BIT WILL BE DROPPED. 

MEDM can be found under white SITEMAP/CAL/DARM Calib screen.

REVERT changes to make SDF green and make an alog.


- ESD LINE @ 35.9Hz - The only failure mode of this lines will be if someone changes a setting in medm - if so, the INTENT BIT WILL BE DROPPED. 

MEDM can be found under ETMY SUS from SITEMAP little purple screen near bottom of screen column called L3 CAL LINE (SUS_CUST_QUAD_L3_CAL_LINE.adl)

REVERT changes to make SDF green and make an alog.


- HARDWARE INJECTIONS - MEDM can be found under SITEMAP/CAL/HWINJ CTRL screen but still needs some of work, but there are a few fields there which we will add instructions for after it is working.  The CW injection signal is the one that flags red in the CDS H1CALCS EXC bit.  It has been "off" since Sept 8th and Dave is working on it.  GRB alert notices being late is also "being worked on".  To be continued...