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Reports until 15:11, Friday 11 September 2015
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:11, Friday 11 September 2015 (21409)
LHO SEI SDFs Finalized for O1

Re 21309 (HEPI) and 21346 (ISI,) I've made another change to the SDF OBSERVE.snap file TABLE and the current Monitor Select.

Even though all the HEPIs and the HAMISIs will have no differences between locks (Platform Trip and Reacquire,) which means there is always no expected differences for ALL channels, meaning the Guardian Touched DO NOT MONITOR list could be retained with the OBSERVE.snap file and the ALL MONITOR SELECT button could be used to monitor everything, since this is not the case for all SDFs, we will not do this for the HEPIs or HAM ISIs.

So for the HEPI and HAM ISIs, the OBSERVE.snap file has no NOT MONITORED channels and the MONITOR SELECT is set to MASK---Unlike the BSC-ISIs which all have 12 NOT MONITORED channels, the SETPOINT_NOW value which will change everytime those platforms trip and guardian reisolates them.  Changes have been committed.

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