Reports until 17:38, Friday 11 September 2015
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:38, Friday 11 September 2015 (21413)
Quick look at calibration at 3 kHz using Pcal line

SudarshanK, RickS

Now that "DeltaL_Ext" is calibrated, we can compare the estimated Pcal line heights (in meters) using the calibrated Pcal Rx and Tx PD signals with the DeltaL_Ext calibrated line heights.

There are known errors in DeltaL_Ext arising from delays, filter pre-warping, OMC DCPD poles, etc. that are not accounted for in this quick look.

The ratios between the Pcal calibrations and the DeltaL_Ext calibration for the 3001.3 Hz line (injectetd at Xend) and the 1083.7 Hz line (injected at Yend) are given in the table below.

  PcalTx/DeltaL_Ext PcalRx/DeltaL_Ext
1083.7 Hz 1.019 1.035
3001.3 Hz 1.122 1.092

So with a quick look the DeltaL_Ext calibration seems to agree with Pcal at the ~10% level at 3 kHz.

DTT plot attached below.

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