Reports until 18:51, Friday 11 September 2015
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:51, Friday 11 September 2015 (21415)
SRM M3 saturation caused "EQ" lockloss earlier today

I believe that SRM M3 saturations caused the lockloss this afternoon that happened when the earthquakes hit us. 

In the attached plots, the data are the same, but one is zoomed in on the lockloss time and the other is not.  From the 2nd attachment ("SRMsat_longPlot.png") you can see that individual coils saturate at various times leading up to the lockloss, but we are still locked.  The first plot shows that at about 58.9 seconds, all 4 coils are simultaneously saturating (the horizontal black cursors are at +-132k).  60 msec after the first simultaneous saturation, ASAIR indicates that we have lost lock. 

Sheila saw this kind of pattern for PRM a few days ago, and fixed it by improving the offloading from PRM's M3 -> M1 (alog 21276).   I think that we should do something similar for SRM, and maybe be more robust during times of high ground motion. 

Images attached to this report