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Reports until 15:58, Thursday 02 February 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:58, Thursday 02 February 2012 (2142)
TMS transport preparation (DavidJ, DanH, Keita)

Today we detatched the telescope/ISC table from the cube, and put the tele/table on a small work table in the EY lab. The tele/table is not that stable, so the Genie is still supporting it.

Tomorrow we'll pick up the 5-axis thing from the VEA, mount that on another Genie, and detatch the cube. It seems that the actual transport will be some time next week.

Note to self:

  1. We dropped one vent washer for 1/4-20 bolt of the wire clamp on the floor. Need to find another one.
  2. It was very hard to detach wire clamps because the space was tight. It will become worse once we're next to the ERM under the test stand.
  3. Not enough garbs at the end station. Will have to bring some for Keita and Dan.
  4. Whenever you have to screw/unscrew something over the optics (i.e. when detaching the vertical protection bars for the ISC table), you need to protect the optics from metal dusts as well as tools and screws by making a foil tray (don't forget to double-fold the edge). I can already see that the back side of the periscope mirror has some metal powders.
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