Reports until 12:18, Saturday 12 September 2015
keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:18, Saturday 12 September 2015 (21431)
Reduced CW HW injection amplitudes for two highest-frequency pulsars
Given PeterF's recent calculations of maximum HW injection amplitude vs frequency,
it appears that the current injection amplitude for the 1991-Hz pulsar (#14) is too high and the
amplitude for the 1403-Hz pulsar (#4) is high enough to be worrisome, once we have in place an updated
inverse actuation filter for hardware injections (assuming we continue using the current injection
point, for now -- see Jeff's entry).

So I have reduced the #14 amplitude by a factor of 10 and the #4 amplitude by a factor of 2 in
the config files used by the injection machine. The next time pulsar injections are restarted,
the new amplitudes should become active. Note that I've redefined the symbolic link RELEASE
to point to a new pulsar subdirectory ER8B with the revised amplitudes.

For reference, the new maximum pulsar injection amplitudes (+ and x source polarization values,
which are summed together with sidereal-time-dependent antenna-pattern functions) are plotted in
the attached figure, along with eyeballed curves of Peter's max allowed ETM displacement amplitudes
(ESD and PCAL actuation) for frequencies higher than 100 Hz. 

The new pulsar injection parameters are given in full here.
Non-image files attached to this report