Reports until 21:27, Saturday 12 September 2015
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:27, Saturday 12 September 2015 (21455)
Added burst hardware injections to schedule
I added 17 burst hardware injections to the future schedule, at the following GPS times:
1126160500, 1126180500, 1126190500, 1126210500, 1126220500, 1126240500, 1126270500, 1126280500, 1126300500, 1126310500, 1126330500, 1126340500, 1126360500, 1126390500, 1126400500, 1126420500, 1126450500

As described the last time we started a sequence of burst injections (alog), an injection will automatically be skipped if the instrument is not in observing mode, if there is a GRB alert one-hour stand-down, if the operator disables or pauses injections, etc.