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Reports until 22:05, Saturday 12 September 2015
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:05, Saturday 12 September 2015 (21456)
Unable to start CW hardware injections
(Peter Shawhan, Corey Gray)

After the evening's GRB alert stand-down period expired, I asked Corey to turn off the Intent bit briefly so that I could start the CW hardware injections with the new ER8B configuration.  At about 21:55 PDT I did "bin/x_start_psinject Peter Start with new ER8B config", at the injections were supposed to start at GPS 1126155410.  However, it didn't work.  The file log/psinject_H1.15_09_12_21:55:33 says: "../../bin/psinject: error while loading shared libraries: libCore.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".  I won't try to debug that tonight.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.