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Reports until 23:00, Saturday 12 September 2015
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:00, Saturday 12 September 2015 (21458)
EX Chiller Critical Alarm: Came and Gone

At 5:26 UTC (10:26pmPST), received a LOW/MAJOR alarm for H0:FMC-EX_CY_H2O_SUP_DEGF with a value of 34.99degF.  Looking at trends, it appears this signal approaches this lower limit value every 24hrs (so perhaps it should be lowered more, or something needs to be addressed at EX).  It stayed in alarm for 7minutes and then the signal started turning up.

Attached is a 3-day trend of the channel.  Will send an email to Bubba about this, so he can check it out Monday.

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