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Reports until 06:42, Sunday 13 September 2015
H1 General (GRD, SEI, SUS)
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:42, Sunday 13 September 2015 (21464)
6 hours since the earthquake - update

State of the IFO:
- recovery from the earthquakes has gone ok
- nothing broken, but SEI at EX not in  the correct state, though it's good enough to lock, so will work with JIm to understand the issue and fix it when he comes in at 15:00UTC

Timeline since the earthquake:

9:32UTC - I start relocking and IMC comes back good
10:30UTC - no AS_AIR image on the camera concerns me, but I move on to locking ALS and both arms are good
11:37UTC - I return to ETMX SEI, I wasn't able to get it into the correct state after the earthquake, and now it's a problem, so I get it to Robust_Damped and leave it there.
11:53UTC - ALS is done, and I start on locking red in the X arm - no signal on the qpd at the end station, but I can see it spike when the arm power does, so I know there's light.
I tried to fix the AS_AIR camera, nothing worked, it's a red hering, the loose optic in HAM2 must have shifted again, or soe=mething else not an in-vacuum optic.

Current: 13:34UTC - writing an update and then returning to alignment

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