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Reports until 20:08, Sunday 13 September 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:08, Sunday 13 September 2015 (21481)
SRM M1 T3, LF, RT, and SD OSEMs are noisy

From the attached spectra (taken with the suspension in safe mode), it looks like the same signature as the PRM/PR3 problem.

We thought this might be the cause today's repeated SRM trips. But Andy Lundgren has already looked through all the OSEMs, and it seems even three weeks ago these OSEMs (among many others) had some kind of problem. It is difficult to tell whether it's exactly the same problem, since the channels are only recorded at 256 Hz.

These four OSEMs all share the same driver and satellite box. We power cycled the driver, but the noise remains.

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