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Reports until 18:51, Saturday 12 September 2015
madeline.wade@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:51, Saturday 12 September 2015 - last comment - 22:01, Sunday 13 September 2015(21445)
Time-dependent correction factors for calibration as computed by GDS calibration pipeline
Attached are plots of the time-dependent calibration correction factors as computed by the GDS calibration pipeline for GPS times 1126003432-1126011584 (Fri Sep 11 03:43:35 PDT 2015 - Fri Sep 11 05:59:27 PDT 2015).  The derivation of these factors and their meaning is described in DCC-T1500377.  

The channel names correspond to the factors as such:

GDS-CALIB_F_CC: frequency of coupled cavity pole
  - average value ~ 350 Hz
GDS-CALIB_KAPPA_C: time-dependent scale factor for the sensing 
  - average value ~ 1.07
  - expected average value = 1
GDS-CALIB_KAPPA_A_IMAGINARY: imaginary part of time-dependent scale factor for the total actuation
  - average value ~ -0.01
  - expected average value = 0
GDS-CALIB_KAPPA_A_REAL: real part of time-dependent scale factor for the total actuation
  - average value ~ 1.01
  - expected average value = 1
GDS-CALIB_KAPPA_PU_IMAGINARY: imaginary part of time-dependent scale factor for the PUM/UIM stages of actuation
  - average value ~ 0.03
  - expected average value = 0
GDS-CALIB_KAPPA_PU_REAL: real part of time-dependent scale factor for the PUM/UIM stages of actuation
  - average value ~ 1.07
  - expected average value = 1
GDS-CALIB_KAPPA_TST_IMAGINARY: imaginary part of time-dependent scale factor for the TST stage of actuation
  - average value ~ 0.05
  - expected average value = 0
GDS-CALIB_KAPPA_TST_REAL: real part of time-dependent scale factor for the TST stage of actuation
  - average value ~ 1.0
  - expected average value = 1.0

These values indicate some (O(5%)) differences in gain between the current calibration models and the IFO.  We expect this level of difference for kappa_tst and kappa_c.  However, we anticipated kappa_pu to be closer to the expected average values.  This discrepancy is still being investigated.
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Comments related to this report
madeline.wade@LIGO.ORG - 22:01, Sunday 13 September 2015 (21485)

I recomputed the factors for this time period using the "fudge factor" described in alog 21479.  The new computed factors match with those for the later times in Sudarshan's alog (#21479).  See attached plots.  (Note: The units on the f_cc plot are Hz on the y-axis. Sorry for the confusion in the labeling.)

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