The BSC8 HEPI was placed on the fixed stops during the Dome install as the crew can't help but stepping on the Crossbeams. Once the Dome bolts had been torqued, I suspended HEPI again and read dial indicators for a final delta from last alignment time.
Of note, the before & after dial indicator readings captures the ACB swung back and in place and I saw a 2mil(.002") lower reading to the west while the ACB had a little more leverage on the system--may be within the noise of DI reading and robustness.
Anyway, post final alignment numbers on Jan 19:
Level--There is a 5mil tilt down on the northside. Our Dial Indicators are essentially at the Support Tubes so I put this tilt in the small category: 0.005"÷60"=80µrads
Position: I see a <6mil shift to the South & <10mil shift West.
Rotation: The dial indicators imply a CW (from above) of no more than 60µrads. This is worse case as the SE corner shifted South 9mils and the NW corner shift South 1mil. Averages would reduce the rotation amount.
As this is a close out, I've attached 17 pages of my log book mostly showing dial indicator readings and elevation surveys while we adjust to IAS requests and install and center HEPI Actuators. I know it is a bit messy but it is a logbook. If you need clarification just ask. A couple notes:
DI readings are in .001"(mils).
Corner 1 is NE, 2 is NW, 3 is SW & 4 is SE---This is different from LLO established pier numbering. I'll try to conform to this in the future.
V T & L corresponds to vertical, Transverse(N-S), & Longitudinal(E-W)