Reports until 15:25, Monday 14 September 2015
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:25, Monday 14 September 2015 (21510)
LHO HEPI Output Drives--For Valve Condition Assessment--Seems Okay

Attached are 60 day means of the HEPI Drive outputs.  The expectation is that if we have a bad valve, this would show in a trend up or step up as the valve is failing.

Not sure about the efficacy of this manner of investigation and this 60 day look could easily be too coarse to see the needed details plus it is confused with platform trips and maybe the occasional alignment change, but for now, it looks like there is no obviously bad or failing valve. I'll continue with weekly or bi weekly shortly duration trends.  We are attempting to avoid doing the invasive Valve Check routine.

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