Reports until 00:09, Tuesday 15 September 2015
H1 General (DetChar)
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:09, Tuesday 15 September 2015 (21523)
Ops Summary - Evening Shift

TITLE:  Sep 14 EVE Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing

SUPPORT: Jenne Driggers was called about comb oscillation in DARM


Shift Summary: IFO locked since my shift started. There were no rises in seismic activity and the wind remained calm. About 1 hour before my shift ended we developed this 2Hz comb in DARM. I contacted the commissioner on call. I was advised to let it ride. Nutsinee will attempt to look into it on her shift.

Activity log:

23:28 OIB/Mode set to Undisturbed/Observing ~ 70Mpc

00:01 Dave Barker noticed that someone ran a hardware injection briefly in CALCS while he happened to be looking over my shoulder.

00:07 ETMY Saturated

02:24 ETMY Saturated

03:29 ETMY Saturated

04:08 It seems there was a decrease in range over the last hour from 72Mpc down to about 68Mpc. Reason is unknown. Environment is quiet. Seismic activity is very quiet. Interesting,  it also seems that Livingston is on this same curve.

05:48 ETMY Saturated

05:50 a 2Hz comb appeared in DARM from ~20Hz to ~100Hz (that I can tell, it gets lost in the bucket)) which resulted in a drop in range to ~63Mpc. I placed a call to Jenne who was on call to inquire as to how I should proceed and the advice was as long as were locked, stay locked.

06:25 ETMY Saturated

06:27 ETMY Saturated

06:51 2Hz comb still very apparent in DARM