Reports until 16:23, Tuesday 15 September 2015
H1 General
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:23, Tuesday 15 September 2015 - last comment - 01:17, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21550)
late late mid shift update (and shift summary)

Hugh, Sheila, Jenne, filling in for Patrick

We are filling in for Patrick at the moment because he is helping Fil to use the beckhoff test stand in the H2 building.  We are trying to lock now after Patrick and Jenne did a full initial alignment.  

This morning, Fil, Vern, Elli, Nutsinee and I swapped out the End Station 2 Beckhoff Chassis, because all the modules on the right rail were in the state INIT NO_COMM, and we could not change their state by requesting different states (including safe) or clearing errors.  We swapped the chassis with a spare.  Hugh and Patrick burt restored plc1,2,3 to 10 pm last night.  

When we first arrived we saw that the high voltage power supplies for the ESD were off, Fil turned them on and restored the settings.  This may be because the vacuum gauges which are controlled by beckhoff would have tripped them off. The ESD driver was off, but we did not reset it believing that we could reset it remotely. Later Betsy reset it by driving back to EY after she could not reset it in the normal way remotely.

Elli quickly noticed that something was amiss with the ring heaters at end Y, which are controlled by the same beckhoff chassis.  We checked that the settings were all the same, it seems like there is some difference between the 2 chassis.  

Fil, with help from several people, has spent most of the afternoon with the chassis we removed.  We had trouble getting a test set up going that we could use to diagnose the problem, so Hugh, Jenne, and I are relieving Patrick for a few hours so he and Fil can work together on the removed chassis.  They think that they have found a problem with one of the modules, and are currently replacing that module.  

We are about to reach low noise (with the spare chassis, and incorrect power on the ring heaters).  We hope to see that the comb is gone, and if we see that we may break the lock to revert to the old chassis if possible.  


Patrick's notes about his shift:

10 am PDT safety tour changed from X end to Y end(this may have broken our noisy lock this morning)

18:11 UTC placed beckhoff chassis at End Y

18:20 UTC Rick retrieves (?) PCAL out of optics lab

18:30 UTC Dick in optics lab out at 12:41 PDT

18:31 UTC Fil restarts beckhoff computer (Guardian to down)

a little while later h1ecaty1 burt restores to 22:10 Sep 14

18:53 UTC Jeff B, Jason retrieve part from optics lab (?)

12:38 PDT UPS truck at LSB

20:37 start of initial alignment finished at 21:22

20:54 Sheila to H2 electronics back 20:56, Fil is still there

20:58 Betsy to EY to restart ESD back 14:31


Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 17:53, Tuesday 15 September 2015 (21553)
14:58 UTC Ryan B. patching and rebooting alog
15:09 UTC Gate phone rang. Bubba G. answered first. It was the fire department. Bubba let them in. They wanted to do fire hydrant tests. Bubba told them not to.
15:11 UTC Fire department leaving
15:12 UTC David N. through gate
15:59 UTC Turned away fire department from gate. They wanted to check fire extinguishers.
16:06 UTC ETMY saturation alarm, lock loss, end Y ALS in fault
16:16 UTC Christina to mechanical room to get supplies
17:51 UTC King Soft water through gate. Parking in main parking lot. Wheeling in equipment for RO system on hand truck.
17:56 UTC Dave B. running an svn update
18:20 UTC Rick S. retrieving part from optics lab
?     UTC Rick S. back
18:30 UTC Dick G. in optics lab
18:53 UTC Jeff B, Jason O. retrieving part from optics lab
19:30 UTC Jeff B, Jason O. done
19:38 UTC UPS at LSB
19:41 UTC Dick G. out of optics lab
20:37 UTC Starting initial alignment
20:54 UTC Sheila D. to H2 electronics room
20:56 UTC Sheila D. back
20:58 UTC Betsy to end Y for ESD restart
21:22 UTC Finished initial alignment
21:31 UTC Betsy back
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - 01:17, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21569)PSL

To clarify, I didn't go to the optics lab as noted in Patrick's log.  When retrieving the PMC from the optics lab was approved, I let Jason know that there was an opportunity to go to the lab, which he did as noted by Patrick.