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Reports until 18:33, Tuesday 15 September 2015
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:33, Tuesday 15 September 2015 (21560)
PRM M2 coils in wrong state due to Initial Alignment - now fixed

For our first lock after today's shenanigans, Betsy noticed that our only SDF Diffs were the PRM M2 coils.  We discovered that they get switched to the high range state occasionally, but not daily.  It turns out that in the PRC Align state of the interferometer we were setting the PRM M2 coils to state 2, however nowhere were they ever set back to the low noise state 3 for lock acquisition.  It seems that we had just been hand-setting the coils to the low noise state when we realized that they were wrong.

Anyhow, now in the ISC_DRMI's DOWN state, the PRM M2 coils are set to the low noise state 3.  The code has been loaded, so next time we do initial alignment the coils will be reset appropriately afterward.

Separately, I have made a "checklist" version of the Initial Alignment procedure on the Ops wiki page.  I was finding myself accidentally skipping steps (which contributed to the long day on Sunday) because the wiki page was too detailed for glancing through.  The checklist is available via the wiki page, and also attached here. 

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