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Reports until 01:48, Wednesday 16 September 2015
H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:48, Wednesday 16 September 2015 - last comment - 02:51, Wednesday 16 September 2015(21570)
Lockloss 8:31 UTC + Early Mid Shift Summary

Due to a 6.3M earthquake in Indonesia. I didn't take anything down and hoped that we could survive. Nothing has tripped. I've requested ISC_LOCK to DOWN waiting for the earthquake to pass.

Earlier I set the bit to commissioning briefly and went in to turn the light off in the LVEA as Rick suggested. He thought it'd be better if the LVEA was to be in the same condition as couple nights before and I agreed. However I noticed the light was on near the PSL area and I couldn't find the light switch for it. I came back, set the intent bit to Observing and called Rick. He suggested the light switch would be in the change room by the PSL. Shortly after the earthquake took down LLO I set the intent bit to commissioning and went in again and realized that the light didn't come from the change room but came from the ceiling (part of the crain?). I didn't know where to turn it off so I left it as that. I've attached a photo. If you know where/how to kill the light please call and I will take care of it.

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Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 02:23, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21571)

Just chatted with Nutsinee about the southbay crane.  I believe this one has the standard controller pendant which hangs from the bridge.  The hand controller has controls for moving the crane (i.e. north/south/east/west/up/down), and it also has a red emergency button on the top.  To power off the entire crane (including the lights), one just pushes this red button in.

We do have a remote/wireless controller for the West Bay crane (can't remember if we have other cranes with remote/wireless controllers).  The controller for this is kept in a "mailbox" attached on the north wall of the west bay (near the "parking spot" of the crane).

nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 02:51, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21572)

Back to Observing 9:47 UTC at 75 Mpc.

I turned off the crain light by pushing the emergency button as Corey suggested. I also turned off the door access reader.

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