Reports until 16:35, Wednesday 16 September 2015
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21586)
09/16 [DAY Shift]: 15:00-23:00UTC (08:00-16:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC
STATE Of H1: Out of lock, riding out earthquake
SUPPORT: Sheila, Jenne
SHIFT SUMMARY: After Sheila and Jenne diagnosed the lock loss from the DSOFT loop, we were able to get back to observing without trouble. Took out of observing briefly to allow Sheila and TJ to load guardian code changes. Just lost lock to an earthquake in Chili.

21:51 UTC Sheila starting WP 5502, TJ starting WP 5499.
22:08 UTC Out of Observing for Sheila and TJ load guardian changes.
22:09 UTC Back to observing.
22:37 UTC Jeff B. to area in mechanical building near HEPI pump mezzanine to retrieve small bin of parts.
22:43 UTC Jeff B. back.
23:13 UTC lost lock to a large earthquake in Chili.