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Reports until 17:19, Wednesday 16 September 2015
sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21594)
Time Varying Calibration Parameters- Updates

RickS, DarkhanT, JeffK, CraigC, SudarshanK

After discovering a discrepancy in phase, of about 137 degrees, between measurement and model for the reference value of kappa_tst for LHO, we applied this phase as a correction factor and computed the kappas. Most of the parameters  are close to their nominal values after applying this factor except for imaginary part of kappa_tst which is 0.05 (nominal 0) and real part of kappa_pu is about 8% off from its nominal value of 1. Cavity pole is also off by about 20 Hz from its nominal value of 341 Hz.

A similar correction factor (a pahse of 225 degrees) was applied to LLO refernece value of kappa_tst as well.  For LLO, the imaginary part of kappa_tst and kappa_pu are close to zero wheras the real part are off by about 7% for kappa_pu and 10% for kappa_tst. kappa_C is close to 1 (off by few percent on some lock stretch) and Cavity pole is off by about 10 Hz from its nominal value of 388 Hz. 

The 0 (zero) on X-axis of each plot mark the time when the most recent calibration data was taken for each observatories.  For LLO it is: 14-Sep 2015 07:23:32 UTC and for LLO it is 10 Sep 2015 23:35:32 UTC.

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