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Reports until 23:28, Wednesday 16 September 2015
H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:28, Wednesday 16 September 2015 (21603)
Shift Summary - Evening

TITLE:  Sep 16 EVE Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Down


SUPPORT: Hugh, Jeff K, Sheila


End-of-Shift Summary: Recovering from Chilean Earthquake(s) barrage is an understatement as there have been close to 20 after-shocks (and a smattering of New Guinea and Alaska to round out the competition), most of significant magnitude. I was able to complete an initial alignment at, around, 03:10UTC and began the locking sequence but never made it past CHECK_IR. At that point the seismograph started to climb again. Fortunately there was no further tripping of systems. Mother Nature is really letting her hair down! ( and having a few). Handing off to Nutsinee.


Activity log:

23:00 IFO locked

23:23 LOCKLOSS Chilean Earthquake 8.4MAG 23:45UTC

23:30 Began damping Seismic systems with Hugh’s tuteledge

00:32 Jeff Kissel taking advantage of the earthquake break to do some charge measurements

00:45 Darkhan also doing some open loop measurements in this down time.

02:05 Attempt to bring back End Station ISIs seems succesful. GS 13s back to high gain. Seismic graph is showing 3µ/S.

02:09 Ditto for ITMs

02:10  Begin bringing up Input and Output HAM SEI.

02:15 Kissel brought ESDs back and restored ETM alignment.

02:31  All SEI back to nominal isolated states. GS13 gains switched back to HIGH.

02:34 IMC re-locked. Looks like the ground motion is still too great to begin aligning arms.

03:10 started initial alignment. Waited at DarkMich to watch excessive ground motion

03:34 GRB alarm. https://gracedb.ligo.org/events/view/E184908 .

03:58 began locking sequence. ot as far as CHECK_IR...too much ground motion and then more earthquakes.

04:00 switched Observation mode to Environmental

05:38 Ground motion starting to drop below 1µm/s. Attempt at locking DRMI shows way too much motion.

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