Reports until 13:08, Thursday 17 September 2015
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:08, Thursday 17 September 2015 - last comment - 13:24, Thursday 17 September 2015(21626)
Ops Day Mid Shift Summary
15:00 UTC Handoff from Nutsinee. IFO in observing mode.
16:46 UTC Jeff B. to mechanical room to check fitting on pump
16:47 UTC Gerardo getting trailer and attaching to pickup truck
16:49 UTC Jeff B. back
16:58 UTC NORCO technician here
17:00 UTC NORCO technician through gate
17:04 UTC Gerardo taking NORCO technician to end X, pressure testing LN2 dewars on way back towards vertex
17:04 UTC Out of observing
17:16 UTC Back in observing
17:17 UTC Helicopter flyover
17:37 UTC Gerardo at end X, going to mid X
~17:44 - 17:50 UTC Gerardo reports hearing shelling from Yakima firing range
17:57 UTC Tour in control room
18:26 UTC Gerardo and NORCO technician at corner station. Will move towards end Y
19:45 UTC Helicopter flyover

Still in observing mode at ~ 70 Mpc.
Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 13:24, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21628)
Gerardo got auxcart while at end X. Says he did not go into LVEA, just opened door, wheeled it out and put it in trailer. ~ 17:15 - 17:20 UTC

20:17 UTC Gerardo and NORCO technician done. Technician will be leaving site shortly.