Reports until 22:51, Friday 18 September 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:51, Friday 18 September 2015 (21641)
a look at duty cycle from Sept 10th to 17th

I had a look at factors that impact our duty cycle, starting at midnight UTC Sept 10th until 2:43 UTC Sept 18th (the latest time available when I started downloading data.) I choose this time because there were fewer of the commisioning activities that maade it hard to get a good picture of the duty cycle in the earlier weeks of ER8.

Ground motion

It seem that we've taken much of the low hanging fruit in making our locking sequence more robust, while there are still parts that could be speed easily up the gains to be had from doing that are pretty small.  Probably the most important thing we can do to improve the duty cycle now is to figure out why we are loosing lock durring relatively small earthquakes.  Another alog about that comming soon. 

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