Reports until 23:08, Thursday 17 September 2015
craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:08, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21643)
Actuation Systematic Fits
C. Cahillane

Today I have fit phase delays on the various actuation stage residuals (L1, L2, L3) and a zero pair on the magnitude residual of the L1 actuation stage to appease the calibration gods.
The L2 and L3 actuation magnitude weighted mean residuals were already flat, so I did not have to fit them.
This gives us a good idea of what our systematics look like for actuation.  Slight phase delays on all at 100 Hz, and large deviation for the L1 stage magnitude.  I will use these results to "correct" systematic error in our model by making a puesdo-model with the systematics included and comparing the two.

To do:
1) Get realistic values for kappa uncertainty
2) Apply systematic "corrections" to a pseudo-model and compare with actual model
3) Make correct A_pu calculation corrections from Mathematica notebook
4) LLO
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