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Reports until 23:08, Thursday 17 September 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:08, Thursday 17 September 2015 (21644)
H1 CAL CS Filter File containing current Inverse Actuation Function
J. Kissel

Though I have not yet flipped the sign on te actuation filter as I suspect I need to (see LHO aLOG 21627, and more to come), I've heard on several calls today that in order to resume, hardware injections need to go though an offline test showing that the wave-form must be passed through each sites actuation filter offline to confirm it will not cause saturations in the IFO. In order to facilitate that study, I attach the H1CALCS.txt foton file currently running. Recall that you want the produce FMs 3 and 4 in the H1:CAL-INJ_HARDWARE bank (see LHO aLOG 21487).
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