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Reports until 01:55, Friday 18 September 2015
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:55, Friday 18 September 2015 (21646)
Transition to OWL Shift Update

TITLE:  9/18 OWL Shift:  7:00-15:00UTC (00:00-8:00PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE OF H1:   Smooth sailing at a steady ~74Mpc.  O1 begins in T-Minus 6hrs!


SUPPORT:  Kissel hung out for an hour, but flying solo now.

QUICK SUMMARY:   H1 has been locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE since 9/17 at 13:49UTC (that's ~19hrs) & the current Observation Segment is going on  15.5hrs.  Range is averaging ~74Mpc.

Seismically, we look decent.  Terramon is warning of an impending 5.1 Chilean quake (0.27um/s) at 9:05utc.  Low winds.  

Ed has left me with a task list for the next lockloss:

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.