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Reports until 08:19, Saturday 19 September 2015
H1 General
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:19, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21671)
Owl End of Shift Summary
Activity Log: All Times in UTC (PT)

07:00 (00:00) Take over from TJ
07:00 (00:00) IFO relocking after EQ lock loss
07:16 (00:16) IFO locked at NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, 22.9W, 72Mpc
07:22 (00:22) Set Intent Bit to OBSERVE 
08:05 (01:05) ETMY saturation
09:56 (02:56) ITMX saturation
09:56 (02:56) Lockloss – 6.1 Mag earthquake near Chile
10:50 (03:50) IFO not locking – Run initial alignment
12:31 (05:31) While at LOCK_DRMI_1F BS ISI stage 2 WD trip – Reset watchdog
13:30 (06:30) BS ISI stage 2 WD trip – Reset watchdog
13:34 (06:34) Set IFO to DOWN while ring down from last EQ
14:34 (07:34) Received a GRB alert. IFO is currently down
15:05 (08:05) Turn over to Travis

End of Shift Summary:

Title: 09/19/2015, Evening Shift 07:00 – 15:00 (00:00 – 08:00) All times in UTC


Incoming Operatror: Travis

Shift Summary: 
- 09:56 (02:56) – Lockloss 6.1 mag EQ near Chile – Seismic activity rung up, but coming down rapidly. Will attempt to relock.
- 13:25 (06:25) – Another 6.2 mag EQ near Chile – Seismic activity has rung up again. Continue with relocking attempt.
- 13:34 (06:34) – IFO repeatedly coming up to LOCK_DRMI_1F and higher before losing lock. Put IFO in DOWN state until seismic activity calms down. Spoke with LLO they are also holding for things to settle down. 
- 13:45 (06:45) – Another 5.4 mag EQ near Chile 
- 14:34 (07:34) – GRB alert. IFO down at this time
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.