Reports until 09:34, Saturday 19 September 2015
H1 General
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:34, Saturday 19 September 2015 - last comment - 12:15, Saturday 19 September 2015(21673)
Back to Observing Mode

H1 has been relocked and set to Observing Mode at ~76 MPc.  I had to accept 2 SDF Diffs (H1:ALS-Y_WFS_DOF_3_P_GAIN and H1:ALS-Y_WFS_DOF_3_Y_GAIN) in order to go to Observing Mode.  There is still a notification present about SPM Diffs for SEI HAM5 (H1:HPI-HAM5_MASTER_SWITCH and H1:ISI-HAM5_MASTERSWITCH), but these did not prevent me from going to Observing, so I am ignoring them. 

Also, going through the checklist before setting Observing Mode, I had a question about sweeping the LVEA.  I couldn't find an aLog about this being done, so I called Corey.  He stated that this was being postponed until next Tuesday and that I could safely ignore this for now.  Nevertheless, the lights in the LVEA and PSL are all off and no one is on site besides Elli and Miguel who are in the CR. 

Comments related to this report
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 09:37, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21674)

Update: Just after posting this, we have just lost lock again @ 16:32 UTC (ITMY saturation).  Nothing obvious on the seismic or wind front.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 12:15, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21679)

I trended the H1:ALS-Y gains against the range channel, and noticed that the gains were changed during a stretch when we were not locked.  I asked Evan about this and he had no good reason for these to change.  These are not used in full lock, so they are inconsequential to the data.  I will revert and re-accept them back to their old values when we are not locked, or leave a note for subsequent operators to do so.