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Reports until 11:53, Saturday 19 September 2015
gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:53, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21678)
DCS reconfigured to use fw1 as primary source of commissioning frames

DCS copies the H1_R raw science frames from CDS to the LDAS archive and the H1_C commissioning frames from CDS to the LDAS scratch filesystems. Currently the commissiong frames are also being copied to the LDAS archive. To fix a load issue on the LDAS side which was causing archiving of the science frame to fall behind, this latter process has been switch to primarily get its data from fw1. LDAS is getting the science frames from fw0, but now is getting commissiong frame for both scratch and archive from fw1. This should not affect CDS.

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