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Reports until 17:24, Monday 06 February 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:24, Monday 06 February 2012 (2168)

Measured the weight of ISC table + telescope. Using 320D-36, it was 78.2 kg. At first 320D-36 was totally crazy and we needed to recalibrate it using a smaller scale that is normally in the shipping area and about 60kg of aluminum weight.

After that, we brought a Genie with 5-axes attachement in the EY lab. Cube was successfully moved from the Bosch frame to the Genie, and we rotated it 180 degrees in preparation for the installation.

Now both the tele/table and cube are on Genie, and we're fully ready for transport and installation.

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