Reports until 19:46, Saturday 19 September 2015
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:46, Saturday 19 September 2015 - last comment - 20:51, Saturday 19 September 2015(21684)
Passing EX Chiller Supply alarm

At 19:14 PST there was a critical alarm on H0:FMC-EX_CY_H2O_SUP_DEGF. By the time I got to it it was no longer in alarm. The EX chiller medm seemed to look normal to me, but trending the previously mentioned channel did show an odd flat spot in the supply temperature for the past ~3 hours (See attachments below). The tempurature began to increase again at 19:07 and seems to have gone back into its normal rythme.

First screenshot: A 12hour trend from today

Second screenshot: A 12hour trend from yesterday

I will continue to montior this.

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Comments related to this report
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 20:51, Saturday 19 September 2015 (21686)

All seems well again.

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