Reports until 19:22, Sunday 20 September 2015
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:22, Sunday 20 September 2015 - last comment - 08:19, Monday 21 September 2015(21714)
ISC_LOCK Guardian error

While I was investigating alog21712 I found that the ISC_LOCK Guardian node went into error at 22:43 UTC.  "AttributeError: 'REFL_IN_VACUO' has no attribute 'failure' ". Seems like a code error but I don't see an log if it was fixed or just reloaded or what. I will investgate further when I get a chance.

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travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 08:19, Monday 21 September 2015 (21730)

That was my fault due to an errant button click while frantically trying to relock before your shift started.  This was during initial alignment in which I had the ISC_LOCK guardian in manual mode in order to take it to DOWN.  I believe I was trying to click another window below the open 'ALL LOCK STATES' window (note that the REFL_IN_VACUO button is the bottom left button in this window).  I noticed it went into error trying to get to this state, but attributed it as my mistake, reloaded the node, and failed to log it since I was doing other things at the time.  Once I went back to AUTO, the error state cleared.